Friday, June 6, 2008

Last Day of Preschool

Nolan finished up preschool on May 22. I'm not sure what kind of joke it is to end preschool a full two weeks before the older kids get out, but let me tell you, I was not quite ready to have my little sidekick with me all week long! I still had a huge laundry list of errands to run, gifts to buy, and housework to get done before Nolan got out for the summer. Next school year, I am going to be working on my time management skills!

NTCA finished the year with a field day and Nolan was so happy about that because he wanted to "pway dose games wike Waiken and Cawson did at deir school." We were assigned to fill water balloons and he could hardly wait to get to throw them at his friends.
So, his first year of preschool has come to a close and I can hardly believe it. The time has flown and he is such a different kid than he was just 9 months ago. I remember when Laiken and Carson were this age and how fast the time has passed. I will remind myself of that as I am answering his zillion questions a day!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Way to go, Nolan!! Your mommy sure does crack me up!! Enjoy your summer!