Thursday, January 31, 2008

"That's So Sad..."

As I start this story, let me say, Laiken is a good kid. She is creative and conscientious and kind and respectful. Having said that, often, she is not organized and her personal belongings frequently end up being everywhere except where they are supposed to be. The disorganization finally caught up with her.

Over lunch today, my friends and I had just been bragging to each other about how we did not have to stay on our kids about their schoolwork. We were so happy that they took responsibility for getting their homework done and being such good students. Just by having this conversation, I think I jinxed Laiken.

She got in the car today and I knew immediately that something was wrong. I looked in the rearview mirror and asked, "How was your day?" She immediately started sobbing and said, "Horrible! I got a color change." My stomach started hurting. I don't think Laiken ever has gotten her color changed before and I was afraid to even ask what had happened. I didn't have to wonder long as the story spilled out of her between crying and nose sniffling. Apparently, she had been looking over her homework in the gym before school started and somewhere between the gym and the classroom, she lost her homework papers. Not turning in your homework equals lost recess and a color change. A color change means that you forfeit your beloved leader badge for at least 10 days. A lost leader badge means that you don't get to sit at the lunch table with all your best girlfriends and chat and laugh for the duration of the lunch period.

My heart broke for her. She deserved a color change and she will never forget the lesson--her homework will probably never get lost between the gym and the classroom again! But, it is so hard to see your child that sad. On top of being sad for her, I was disappointed and, yes, a little angry because I have told her SO many times to do a better job keeping up with her stuff. On the tip of my tongue was a great, impassioned lecture about how her disorganization had finally caught up to her, about how I wished she could pay attention and make sure that she had all of her stuff, about how many times had we talked about this. But, just as soon as I was going to get on my soapbox, I caught a glimpse of her tear-stained, puffy-eyed face in the mirror and knew there was nothing I could say that would make more of an impact than what getting her color changed had already made.

I thought about what I had just re-learned in Love and Logic and, with all the empathy I could muster, just said, "That's so sad. I know you are really going to miss sitting with your friends for the next 10 days." Then, I shut my mouth and, wow, was that hard to do! She started reading her book and we headed to the library and by dinner she was ready for me to share some stories about how I managed to get in trouble at school when I was her age. She laughed and said, "You definitely would have lost your leader badge!"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New PJs!

Laiken and Samantha finished their sewing class on Saturday. Their pajama pants turned out really cute and I am absolutely amazed at their new skills!

Pizza, Bingo, and More

The girls were headed off on Friday night to a fun night of Bingo hosted by Dana, but enjoyed some pizza before we left.

Laiken, Megan, and Rebekah won lots of prizes and then Laiken went home with Megan for an impromptu sleepover. With Farrel at work and Nolan sleeping in his bed, Carson wanted to watch the Mavericks game. It was late and it had been a long day, but I kind of liked having him up with me. I don't get to spend a lot of time alone with Carson. Imagine my surprise when I looked over and found him like this on the couch:

Carson falling asleep during a sporting event--that has to be a first!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And That's Nolan!

Nolan decided tonight that he needed to wear a Pull-Up on his head. He kept it on there for about an hour, running around the house and laughing like he was the funniest guy ever. I figure that with the lack of success that we are having with potty training, he might as well wear it on his head!!

Wish I Had Thought of That...

I really wish that I had been the one to invent Webkinz. Just about every playdate involves logging on to check accounts and see what friends have sent messages or gifts. I don't think I can name one kid that doesn't have a Webkinz--somebody really hit a niche with that idea. Wish I had thought of it first!

Field Trip to the Majestic

On Tuesday, we made a very chilly trek to the Majestic Theater in Dallas for a field trip with Carson's class. We went to see a puppet show with a variety of renditions of Aesop's Fables. The performers did all kinds of puppet shows and explained to the students how they made the puppets and what kind of techniques were used. It was like a show within a show! My favorite was The Fox and the Grapes done in shadow puppetry. Carson said he thought he liked that one best, too. Really, my favorite part was watching the kids as they walked into the Majestic and were overwhelmed by its architecture. They oohed and awed as they made their way to their seats. I remember feeling the same way the first time I walked into that theater.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


We made the annual trip to the Plano Centre today to see the miniature train displays. This is something that Farrel usually takes the kids to do as a special "daddy-kid" day, but at the last minute, I decided to tag along. I'm so glad I did! I don't think that I could have imagined how much the kids enjoyed seeing the displays. Carson wants to start collecting toy trains and setting them up around the house. At this point, I am thinking the only available space for that would be the garage and I don't think I'm agreeing to park my car outside just yet. Laiken said again that she really wanted to grow up and create displays with miniature items as her career. (She repeatedly goes between that and being an astronaut.) I'm not sure what the demand is for "miniature experts," but, of course, we told her that would be a great career. And, Nolan, well, he would have stayed all day if we would have let him. After having to practically drag him out, this is what he looked like as we were trying to leave the parking lot:

A Little Entertainment from Nolan!

Nolan loves to sing so I thought I would share a video of him singing some of his favorites. During the Elmo song, you will notice that he says "Elmo is a dufus." The words, of course, really should be "Elmo loves his goldfish." Carson thought it would be funny if Nolan sang it with the word "dufus." By the time we realized that was what he was saying, Nolan had been convinced that he was singing it correctly. And so is the nature of the relationship between brothers.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Random Thoughts

My friend and I used to collect quotes in high school and write them down in books so that we could reread them when they applied to our lives. We would post them on the walls of our rooms and later, as I began to teach, I would write one on the board every morning just to give my high school students something to ponder while I took attendance and got class rolling. This week, two of my favorites came back to me:

  • "Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where a backbone ought to be." -- Clementine Paddleford


  • "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You, too? I thought I was the only one." -- C.S. Lewis

My best friend, my life-long pal, Kasey, and I were Seinfeld fans before the show was ever popular, when the ratings were so bad that no one could have predicted that it would be the phenomenon it ended up being. I remember sitting on the phone with her in high school while the shows were on and laughing at the episodes, each from our separate rooms and separate houses. We followed each season and have often referred to particular times in our lives as "something that would have happened on Seinfeld"--those kind of weird, surreal moments that are only funny because they just should never happen. One of the episodes that probably everyone has seen is about Festivus, the made-up holiday where everyone gets together and airs their grievances for the past year. Probably everyone should do this at least once if for no other reason than the insight about oneself it can provide.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Day!

It's amazing how when you finally get in the mindset to expect positive, you get it back in so many ways! Today was so great. The weather was perfect. Nolan didn't fuss when I took him to preschool. Carson came home with good news about choosing to go above and beyond on his school work. Laiken played two songs on her recorder and got two brightly colored lanyards for her efforts. Nolan threw his arms around me and said, "Mommy, you my bes frien!" (aww...that one really got me...four months ago, he wouldn't even say "mommy," much less make an entire sentence.) We sold Carson's old bedroom furniture, so now we can officially start redecorating. I got to start my day with a fun breakfast at Cafe Brazil with my friends before we headed off to a great session of Love and Logic. And, I got to end my day laughing with Farrel as the new season of American Idol begins. So blessed!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


The other day, Carson said to Farrel, "A mule is half horse and half donkey?" Farrel told him that was right. So, Carson said, "Well, why don't they just call it a 'hordonk'?"

Umm, well, because, thankfully, they decided to call it a mule.

The Playroom is Almost Done!

Back during the summer, we started talking about putting our house on the market. With 3 kids and only 3 bedrooms and about 1900 square feet, we are out of space. But, we decided to wait until the new middle school zones were announced before we made any decisions. So, we started doing some painting and organizing, both to get the house market ready in case we decide to sell and to make it more livable for us until we move. Over the last week, the playroom got a fresh coat of paint and has been cleaned out. Nolan helped put the new toy organizer together. Now, we just have to get the toys off of the floor and into all of the new baskets...
The playroom was pretty easy. Next is the boys' room, which is long overdue to get remodeled because you know I can't make any decisions about what to buy. We are going with a sports theme and I am looking for cute, inexpensive ideas if anyone has any to share.

This Time It'll Be Pajamas

Laiken and Samantha were back in sewing class this weekend. They started a 3-week course in beginning sewing and the finished project for this class will be a pair of pajama pants. Of course, by the time we bought the material, the pattern, the thread, and the elastic, this pair of pj's will easily be the most expensive pair she owns!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"I love you too much to argue..."

I took my first Love and Logic class several years ago at church, but old habits die hard and I still typically revert to lectures or, on really crazy days, yelling (read here, screaming). So, I was back in class with some some of my best Mom pals today to refresh my skills. The presenters make it sound so easy and the whole concept is soooo logical! Now if I can just keep my mouth shut long enough to actually implement the skills....

Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's Almost Over...

Well, the countdown back to school has begun and the kids are a little bummed and so am I. We do love our unstructured time! Farrel and the kids go back Monday and I start back on Wednesday. Is it wrong that we are already counting the days until the upcoming 4-day weekend??

The sports seasons are also starting again. Carson had basketball practice today and Laiken had soccer. After they finished, we headed to Grandma and Papaw's to visit with Richard, Angie, and the kiddos. The weather was so great that it was hard to believe that it is January.

Nolan Needs a Haircut!

The first order of business after Laiken and Carson get back into school is to get Nolan in for a haircut! This is some of the craziest bedhead I've ever seen.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Very Happy New Year's!

This year, we spent New Year's Eve at the brand new Great Wolfe Lodge in Grapevine. The place was amazing and everyone had such a great time. The main attraction is the indoor waterpark, but the resort also has an interactive game that kids can play throughout the hotel, an arcade, a spa, a kid's spa, restaurants and a very kid-friendly atmosphere and design. There is also an outdoor water park that will be opening later. The kids didn't want to leave! Thanks to Angie for keeping it on her radar and to Farrel for finding such a great deal on the rooms! Thanks, also, to Grandma and Papaw for letting Nolan have a calmer, quieter New Year's at their house!

Yesterday, we were talking about resolutions. Carson calls them "revolutions." Kind of appropriate considering they are intended to turn something in your life around. 2007 was a year of "revolutions" in so many positive ways. When you pray for God to increase your positive thinking and behavior, you shouldn't be surprised when He does just that, even if His method is a little different than yours would have been. Laiken's '08 resolution is to keep her backpack more organized--a very worthy goal! Carson's is to "play all the sports he can"--I don't really think that will be much different than what he does now! Mine is to enjoy all of these new blessings and to lose the last 15 pounds that I am working on losing. Farrel is still thinking about his, but I'm hoping they involve getting some painting and other projects done around the house!! :-) I hope everyone has a wonderful new year!